Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wv Social Security Office WV Annulment & Child Custody?

WV Annulment & Child Custody? - wv social security office

Hello, I'm the 2nd Time in the state of Kentucky 09/1994 married, my knowledge of the judge had not signed the final order and was still married to my first husband, I could not be found, until 14 years after it, of course, we parted. We have 2 children. I had my social security card, etc. back to my maiden name, my question is: Do we have to apply for the cancellation? Looking for sole custody of my children to visit him every weekend and get phone calls, three times a week and share the holidays. My ex did not even have a place to live, stay with the family, as my cell phone and call me names, you and me. My daughter is 1 month at 14 and she wants nothing to do with him because he abused her verbally and physically abused me in front of them. Do I have sole custody of him? He said that a State of Virginia, co-education is neither parent has sole custody! Please help me in this!


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